Sunday, January 8, 2012

Preparation for Adventure

Hi everyone!  Thanks for visiting my blog!  I plan to post frequently and I hope my entries prove both entertaining and informative as glimpses into Salvadorian culture.  But before I post on my adventures, I have to get there!  A week from today I will be flying into San Salvador where I will be picked up at the airport by Neil R. Miller, who will transport me to Santa Marta, which is on the Honduran border.  This week is filled with grad applications, packing, spending as much time with friends and family, and generally losing my mind with equal parts anticipation and stress.  But I am so thrilled to have this opportunity!
Also, if anyone has any advice on little, random things that I should bring to a developing country, please let me know!
                                                    I hope we can grow this in Santa Marta!

I want to thank everyone for your continued support on this new chapter in my life.  I am so incredibly grateful for the love and encouragement I have received at the onset of this adventure, and I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

On a more somber note, please keep Phoebe Fair and family in your prayers.  The Fair family and I lived at the World Hunger Farm during the same period and they were a big part of my spiritual development.  Phoebe, Nathan and Amey's two year old daughter, had brain surgery earlier this week, and is still dealing with life threatening problems resulting from the surgery.  She is the sweetest little girl I've ever met, so please lift her up.  Amey, Nathan, Ben, Averick, Deacon, and Phoebe are my family.


  1. Make sure you try the pupusas when you get down there, and enjoy the beautiful salvadorean Calculus tutor in high school was salvadorean! Wow! You're going to have such fun...

  2. So excited for you to go (even though the prep. is stressful for sure!) and excited to see you back in Waco in 4 months!

  3. So in a random search on the internet I found your blog, I am currently in Santa Ana and working on a urban garden and was wondering if we could email? I'd love to know what youre working on and see if you have any advice for me! Thanks! Sarah
