Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First Impressions

Hola!  I hope everyone is well.  I arrived in San Salvador in the afternoon of the 15th and met Neil, Juana and Chino at the airport.  Juana, my Salvadoran mom, is a small, warm woman who gave me a big hug and clasped my hands upon meeting.  We left in Chino’s truck and stopped for frescas - coconut water and meat in plastic baggies - tear off one corner with your teeth and drink!  Then there was the three hour, bumpy drive to Santa Marta.  Along the way we picked up bottled water for me, because the water here will make me sick.   

Arriving at Juana’s I met Wendy, my new companion for the next four months!  She is fun and silly and is very patient with my horrid Spanish.  She takes me to the different parts of the community, like the greenhouses and the concha where I got to grind maiz for homemade tortillas, which we have at every meal.

I have a small, simple room to myself, with a bed, a table, a chair, and one light.  I don’t spend much time there, because there is a large veranda with a hammock and tables and chairs where everyone spends their time anyway. 

Neil introduced me to the leaders of the Valle Nuevo community and everyone has been incredibly welcoming and friendly.  Everyone just laughs at my grammatical faux pas and then gives me a hug.  How awesome is that?

And now for the most important part of my update - the food!  Breakfasts consist of homemade tortillas (a few of which I’ve made), beans that are cooked on high in a pan until they are like the fried beans we have in burritos at home.  Then there are two kinds of cheeses - a crema, which is liquid cheese, and then a small block of cheese.  Lunches are tortillas and leftover beans.  Dinners are (you guessed it) more tortillas and beans, with onions, tomatoes, and eggs blended in.  Also, not only have I had papusas, but I have made them!  They are delicious!

I now teach English to a group of amigos from the University once a week.  They are hilarious and always cracking jokes, which makes it really fun for me.  Also, I get to speak English for an entire hour, which is a great relief.

Songs I cannot get away from:
“I, I love you like a love song, baby....”
The song from the SNL skit at the bar with the sideways head bobbing....  Baby don´t hurt me, don´t hurt me, no more…Who’d have thought?

Words I have taught Wendy so far:
Mi mal....


  1. Thanks for having pictures! I'm glad you're starting to get into the swing of things down there. It's nice to "hear" from you!

  2. I, I love you like a love song baby!
