Saturday, March 3, 2012

Into the Lap of Luxury and Back Again

Hello folks!  Sorry I didn’t write last week - but I have many pictures to make up for it!

Two weekends ago I visited my friend, Robin Merchant, who happened to be in San Salvador for work.  After traveling seven hours by pickup truck, bus, and finally taxi, I met my friend at a beautiful beachfront house.  Walking through grass, next to numerous hammocks and a swimming pool a stone’s throw away from the beach, I felt like I was at a resort, not next to one of the most dangerous cities in the world.  After pupusas, beer, shrimp, and coconut water, I strolled with my friend on the beach.  Santa Marta and the everyday struggles of it’s people was so far away I felt like I was in a dream.  It was wonderful to catch up with my friend and relax at a fancy beach house, but I was also ready to get back to what I feel as my community.

The day before my great adventure to San Salvador, I went on a hike to view the local caves.  Up to sixteen people would squeeze into these tiny holes when the bombs would drop during the war.  If you would like to see more (professional) pictures, check out Mark Menjivar’s website, where you can see other members of the Valle Nuevo Community at  Click on Retorno.

This week I taught my first class at the school, which was way more entertaining than I thought it would be.  Classes are a lot more chaotic than in the States, but everyone seemed to enjoy my story and questions. 

Thursday I went to tour Radio Victoria, which is one of the leading liberal radio stations in El Salvador.  I was able to sit in on a program about the upcoming elections and talk with the hosts and guests.  

The month of March is going to be packed with events, so stay tuned for more adventures!