Saturday, April 14, 2012

Living in Machismo Country

Ok.  This week has been tough, so I’m just going to let it all out, excluding actual names.  I knew coming to a Latin American country as a single female would be difficult when dealing with the opposite sex, but at this point, instead of getting used to this crap, I’m just getting more pissed-off.  
To be a little more specific, un hombre tried to kiss me the other night - un hombre that lives with a woman I know and they have a little girl together.  Gross.  Not only that, but this guy is sixteen.  Gross/illegal.  Plus I am around the woman’s family all of the time.  And now (of course) he says that it was just a ‘friendly’ kiss, like what you give a friend on the cheek (ok, what French people give each other on the cheek), so now it’s his word against mine.  Of course, everyone believes me, because honestly, (I didn’t come all the way to El Salvador to make-out with a 16 year old baby daddy, believe it or not) why would I lie about such a thing?  But all of these things make me want to punch him in face every time I see him.  Neil, my boss/mentor from WHRI, says this is not the most appropriate course of action, but it is the most appealing.
I don’t really want to get into cultural differences in how men treat women, or sexual abuses, or misogyny in general (although it is a serious problem here as well as in the most countries).  However, I will once again relate how community handles internal problems.  I informed Juana of this incident, who called the wife, who called the grandfather of this hombre, who will talk personally with my young, acquaintance, who will personally apologize to me today.  And all of this happened with no lawyers being called....

This is Chilo and Moses at the garden and green houses.  
Photo by Mark Menjivar.

Happy Easter everyone!  My easter consisted of swimming in the Rio Limpa with the family and eating plantains and honey.  These are Easter traditions here in El Salvador.  The river is a kind of re-baptism and the promise of new beginnings.  I think we ate fish in reference Jesus feeding the thousands with fish and bread, but I’m not for sure.  

Random Hondurans

Author’s note:  To all the lawyers reading this:  I couldn’t help the lawyer jab - I love you please don’t sue me!!!